With and without SD card options now available. If the SD option is selected the card will be loaded with an optimized 1 and 2 button config placed on the SD card with 17 fonts including Kyberphonic's Battle, Battle 2, the Kyber's Workshop pack and both TSM optimized sound fonts "The Merchant" and "The Arms Dealer"!
**The provided TSM config will need to be uploaded via Arduino.
Please visit https://fredrik.hubbe.net/lightsaber/proffieos.html to obtain the newest OS to make use of the config files on the SD Card.**
Visit www.kyberphonicphonicfonts.com for more AMAZING lightsaber goodness!
Proffie V2.2 - Enjoy that beautiful smooth swing and so much more. These boards work with Neo Pixel and LED/Tri-Cree setups and are some of the most advanced boards on the market. They are tested and ready for those who have the know how (or for those who can watch several amazing YouTube tutorials).
There are no returns on soundboards, though help and advice is always available! Take care and do your research on the setup and use of the Proffieboard and its intricacies.